Another quickie before heading off for a week away! Mid-September, the Wallace's in New England were joined by family from the Western U.S. for a get-together in Maine, some of us reuniting, others of us meeting for the first time.
The birthday cake shared had the number 1064 atop it, representing the total of all the ages of those present! Our hostess has a sense of humor!
I entitled this layout "mini" Wallace reunion because many of our family were missing, some as far away as Germany! All not present were missed.

Thanks to Cheri over at Let's Scrap for this wonderful sketch. It served as the inspiration for my layout:
Thanks to you, too, for stopping by; leave a comment to let me know you were here. Join and return if you like what you see!
Hi Kay! A 2 pager is a great way to display lots of photos--this one is wonderful!